
Game Modes / Rules


At Amped Airsoft Arena, we prioritize safety as well as ensuring a fair gameplay for our players. We have set FPS limits, mandatory safety gear requirements, specific game rules, and conduct expectations.


Please familiarize yourself with our policies to ensure everyone has the best possible experience.



  • All players must fill out a waiver and agree to the field rules before being permitted to play.
  • Waivers will be kept on file for the remainder of the current year and will expire on January 1st.
  • Players will be required to fill out new waivers after January 1st of each year.
  • Any player under the age of 18 years old must have his or her parent or legal guardian present to sign the waiver on his or her behalf.


  • All replicas must chronograph at less than 1.23 Joules or 365 fps limit with .20g BB (288 fps limit with .32 BB).
  • We allow BBs from .20g through .32g. No exceptions.
  • Chronographs will be done using the player’s own magazine to ensure consistent and safe check-in procedures. The field will provide BBs during chronographing.
  • HPA is ALLOWED at Amped Airsoft Arena. HPA users must be able to lock their PSI output on their tanks or regulators All players must chronograph EACH TIME they come to play at our field.
  • Players may be spot checked by field staff at any time, including while on the field, to ensure that replicas are within limits. This will be done at random throughout the day.


  • Mandatory Full Face Protection and Full Seal Eye Protection
  • Barrel Covers for rifles, launchers, and any replicas that are unable to be holstered. This includes HPA replicas.
  • Dead Rag or Large Red Cloth to signify being hit. We recommend having 2 on one hand.

The following equipment is recommended for Low Light Games:

  • Red Dead Light
  • Red Glow Stick Flashlight


  • Barrel Covers must be used at all times for any rifles, launchers, or other replicas that are unable to be holstered while in the staging area.
  • Magazines must be removed and replicas must be unloaded at all times.
  • Be respectful of other players and the staging area.
  • Do not touch another player’s gear or property without that player’s permission.
  • We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property.
  • We are not responsible for private party sales or trades that take place on Amped Airsoft Arena premises.
  • No running or horseplay in the staging area.
  • Excessive cursing and inappropriate language are not tolerated in the staging area or during play.
  • Keep the area clean by properly disposing of any trash in trashcans.
  • No smoking or vaping anywhere within staging, on the field, or around the entryways.
  • Please smoke or vape in dedicated outside areas. Observe all signs and rules posted.
  • All replicas MUST be concealed when entering or exiting the building and while outside on the property.
  • We require using gun bags to properly conceal any replicas.
  • Players must remove their kit before leaving the building for any reason. This includes helmets and vests.
  • Remember, you are liable for yourself when leaving our facility. This includes crossing the street.


  • Eye protection MUST be on BEFORE entering the field.
  • Eye protection is NOT to be removed for any reason while on the field.
  • If there is a problem with eye protection (ie fog), exit the field BEFORE taking eye protection off.
  • Barrel Covers can be removed and magazines can be inserted once players are on the field.
  • Air Hoses can be connected once on the field.
  • Players must use a dead rag or red light to signal when they are hit.


  • Remove magazines from all replicas, including pistols.
  • HPA users must disconnect air hoses.
  • Clear replicas by firing into designated clearing barrels located at the exit of the field.
  • Place barrel covers on replicas and holster pistols before exiting the field.
  • If using a grenade launcher, safety the launcher and cover the barrel with a barrel cover.


  • First Violation – Sit for a game.
  • Second Violation – Sit for two games.
  • Third Violation – Dismissed for the rest of the day.
  • Fourth Violation – Banned from our facility.
  • Physical violence towards other players, guests, or staff members on our premises will result in an instant ban from our facility.
  • All field staff decisions are FINAL.


  • If a player has an issue with another player, that player needs to find a referee and explain the situation to them.
  • The referee will warn the player in question and then will begin keeping tabs on that player. If the player repeats offenses, the referee will confront the player and decide the best course of action for rectifying the situation.
  • Only the referee may take action against a player for violations committed.



  • Call your hits. All players are expected to call “HIT!” and hold their hand up when they have been fired upon.
  • When hit, players are not allowed to speak or give away the positions of other players.
  • Ricochets and gun hits do not count as a hit
    Hit players are always allowed to call for a medic or cease-fire if needed.
  • Players are NOT to confront other players or call out other players’ hits.
  • Any grievances with another player should be brought to a staff member’s attention.
  • “Playing Dead” is prohibited.


  • Blind fire will not be tolerated at our field. Players must be able to look down the barrel or sights of their replica and see what they are shooting.
  • Placing a replica around a corner or above an obstacle and firing without a clear line of sight constitutes as blind firing.
  • Players may not use a hit player as cover.
  • If hit and in the way, relocate to an area out of the way of fire, whether this be physically moving or lying down. Do not allow yourself to be used as cover.


  • Do not spawn camp the enemy spawn.
  • Spawn sweeping is permitted.
  • Do not shoot into enemy spawns or shoot enemy players that are in their spawn.


  • Shooting up and down the stairs is allowed.
  • Do not break the plain of the stair railing with a barrel when firing.
  • Do not shoot over walls.
  • Act as if all the walls/rooms have roofs on them
  • Players may not move any barriers, structures, or props unless approved by a staff member.
  • Do not fire directly up at the ceiling or at lights, signs, or other items on the field that can be broken.
  • Do not deliberately punch, kick, lean, or slide into any obstacles on the field.
  • Do not kick doors or hold doors shut..


  • Our field does not have a Bang-Bang rule.
  • If you have a player dead to rights (within arm’s reach) from behind, lightly tap them on the shoulder and say "You’re dead". That is an instant out for the enemy player.
  • If a player is out of arms reach from behind, we recommend a single bb into a piece of gear.
  • We will not tolerate overshooting in the backs of other players


  • A player can also melee an opponent by touching them on their should with a hand or training knife and letting the opponent know he or she is hit.
  • Melee weapons must be approved by field staff.
  • Melee weapons must be less than 20 inches long.
  • No bayonets.
  • Melee weapons should be tapped.
  • Stabbing, lunging, or throwing a melee weapon is not allowed.
  • Do not “blind fire” a melee weapon. No reaching around corners or barriers to hit targets.
  • When hit with a melee weapon, treat the hit as a stealth hit. Call melee hits silently.


Permitted Airsoft Grenades:

  • Tornado Grenades (BB)
  • Thunder B (Sound)
  • Bang 22 (Brown Tip Cartridge Only)
  • Enola Gaye EG67 Grenades will ONLY be allowed during specific events that are aimed toward more experienced players.

NOT Permitted:

    40 Mikes or Master Mikes
    HOMEMADE Grenades

Gameplay Rules:

  • If a grenade goes off inside a room, all players within that room must call “HIT!”
  • Grenades cannot hit players from behind hard cover or if the players are unable to see the grenade go off.
  • Grenades have a 10-foot kill radius regardless of physically being hit.
  • Being hit by grenade shrapnel from any distance will count as a hit.


  • No “Real Steel” Firearms are permitted on the playing field or within our staging area.
  • All “Real Steel” firearms MUST be left in the player’s car unloaded while on the premises. We do not want a real firearm being mistaken for a replica.
  • No Sharp-Edged Weapons are permitted on the field. Please leave them in your car or gear bags.
  • No prescription drugs should be on the premise without permission from a staff member.
  • Any medical conditions requiring a drug prescription should be brought to the attention of a staff member. Staff members may need this information to disclose to paramedics in case of a medical emergency.


  • If a player has an issue with another player, that player needs to find a referee and explain the situation to them.
  • The referee will warn the player in question and then will begin keeping tabs on that player. If the player repeats offenses, the referee will confront the player and decide the best course of action for rectifying the situation.
  • Only the referee may take action against a player for violations committed.
  • All field staff decisions are FINAL.


  • If there is ever a real-world injury while on field, immediately yell “CEASE FIRE BLIND MAN” as loud as you can and get the attention of a referee and other players.
  • Upon hearing “CEASE FIRE BLIND MAN” all players and staff should immediately stop playing, repeat this phrase, and safety their replicas. Remain still until instructed otherwise.
  • Once the cease-fire situation is taken care of by staff members, the game may be resumed with a “GAME ON” sound. Otherwise, the game may be called over and everyone will be instructed to return to staging.


  • HPA is allowed at Amped Airsoft Arena. HPA players must adhere to the same equipment and velocity rules
  • HPA users must be able to lock their PSI output on their tanks or regulators All players must chronograph EACH TIME they come to play at our field.



  • Players must wear a full face style mask or a full seal ASTM rated eye protection that includes straps combined with a form of hard lower face protection.
  • MESH Eye Protection is NOT permitted.
  • We allow mesh lower face protection.
  • Eye protection must be worn BEFORE entering the field
  • If there is a problem with eye protection (ie fog), exit the field BEFORE taking eye protection off.


  • It is highly recommended players address any relevant health conditions or allergies with a staff member.
  • If a player requires an EpiPen or asthma inhaler, please disclose where it is kept in the event that we would have to administer one. Please carry it on your person at all times.


  • If there is ever a real-world injury while on field, immediately yell “CEASE FIRE BLIND MAN” as loud as you can and get the attention of a referee and other players.
  • Upon hearing “CEASE FIRE BLIND MAN” all players and staff should immediately stop playing, repeat this phrase, and safety their replicas. Remain still until instructed otherwise.
  • Once the cease-fire situation is taken care of by staff members, the game may be resumed with a “GAME ON” sound. Otherwise, the game may be called over and everyone will be instructed to return to staging.